VWI and the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency of the government of Brazil (ANA Brazil) are exploring collaboration for better decisions impacting water by implementing the five valuing water principles in the Brazilian water allocation and regulatory frameworks and through making valuing water a theme of the ANA prize.
ANA Brazil and the Valuing Water Initiative
In March 2023, during the United Nations Water Conference, a meeting was held to explore possible convergences and opportunities for ANA to join the valuing water community. Following these steps, possible collaboration opportunities are being explored.
Expected outcomes
• Inclusion of VWP in water allocation and regulatory frameworks
• Valuing water as a theme of the ANA Prize: The ANA Prize seeks to acknowledge remarkable initiatives that promote water security, sustainable management, and the responsible use of water resources, in addition to solutions that enhance and expand public sanitation services, aiming at the sustainable development of Brazil. The ANA Prize has been held for 18 years. (Read more in Portuguese).