VWI is working with the government of Colombia and other stakeholders towards better decisions impacting water. In Colombia, the Valuing Water Principles are implemented as a basis for building strategies to incorporate the multiple values of water into territorial planning policies, regulation and legislation.
Aims and outcomes
For this purpose, the following specific aims are proposed:
• Establishing dialogues with different stakeholders and creating a solid base for collaboration based on trust and in-depth listening.
• Focus on dialogues with communities historically marganilized from decision-making.
• Identify opportunities to strengthen the processes associated with the implementation of the VWP within the framework of the territorial panning policies around the water cycle in the pilot area of the Colombian Massif through the recognition of the different social actors and their values associated with water.
• Design and implement a series of methodological tools that allow progress in the resolution of conflicts and reconciliation of the multiple values in decision-making impacting water.
• Communicate the progress and results of the collaboration, both in the pilot site of the Colombian Massif and within Colombian institutions.
• The framework is established in the National Development Plan.
Learn more about our activities in Colombia